World of Warcraft - Clash of the Aspects

Alexstrasza the Lifebinder. Guardian of all life on Azeroth. Queen of all Dragons. Deathwing the Destroyer. A once proud defender who has fallen prey to the whisperings of the Old Gods. Her anger ran deep, and his hatred still deeper. It was never a question of if they would face each other again, it was only a question of when...
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  "name": "World of Warcraft - Clash of the Aspects",
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  "description": "Alexstrasza the Lifebinder.  Guardian of all life on Azeroth.  Queen of all Dragons.\n\nDeathwing the Destroyer.  A once proud defender who has fallen prey to the whisperings of the Old Gods.\n\nHer anger ran deep, and his hatred still deeper. It was never a question of if they would face each other again, it was only a question of when..."