Window Title Hider

Hides the browser window title on the task bar (shows a text first). Due to limitations in WebExtensions' API is not possible to remove the full title on just the window title, hence the reason to use a prefix.

Total ratings

4.75 (Rating count: 4)
See reviews for Window Title Hider on Firefox Browser Add-ons

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.75
All time rating average: 4.75

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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-03-16 远离中共邪教快退出党团队
2021-02-17 xerus Nice! I would like to have this only enabled in private browsing, or simply have a different default there, would it be possible to add such an option?
2019-07-24 vadimm Works great. Can be useful if you make screenshots and don't want anyone to see your browser window title.
2018-07-23 Firefox user 14173314