Window Saver

Quickly save all tabs in a browser window into a bookmark folder. Saved windows can be restored deleted or reordered from within the extension's UI. Plays nice with the usual tools/options to sync, export, or edit bookmarks.

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3.86 (Rating count: 14)
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Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 3.86
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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-03-05 天灭中共退党团队保平安
2024-10-26 Firefox user 18289875
2022-12-26 GanJingWorld Gan Jing World is a clean, curated universe and a dynamic, overlapping network of integrated platforms and services. ==>
2021-12-15 m4xp1 Thanks! Works great, what I need!
2021-10-10 Firefox user 15285165
2020-06-20 Uzi does as it says
2019-08-05 Firefox user 15188898 It doesn't track changes once the window is opened and outosave them for next time. As such it doesn't work for me.
2019-05-14 Firefox user 14976851 Does exactly what it is supposed to. Really simple and easy to use. I use this instead of keeping a ton of tabs/windows open and it is a great way to save RAM.
2019-02-28 Firefox user 14665405 Takes a little figuring out, but does exactly what I want it to.
2018-04-02 Firefox user 13921253 Unreliabale. It works when it wants. That is at first it did and suddenly it stopped. Trashed it
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