Window Resize

调整浏览器窗口为预设的指定大小! Resizes the browser window to match customizable dimensions

Total ratings

3.86 (Rating count: 7)
See reviews for Window Resize on Firefox Browser Add-ons

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 3.86

Rating filters

5 star
75% (6)
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25% (2)
Date Author Rating Comment
2025-03-05 天灭中共退党团队保平安
2022-12-26 GanJingWorld Gan Jing World is a clean, curated universe and a dynamic, overlapping network of integrated platforms and services. ==>
2020-01-03 Firefox user 15498334
2019-08-27 Firefox user 15235050
2018-04-24 leijp
2017-11-15 Firefox user 13449658 Thx for this ! realy easy to use...Exactly what I was looking for
2017-10-30 Kohcab (Themes developer) No over-bloated options. Lightweight. Easily customizable. Simple and Clean. Good job. 保持良好的工作
2017-09-27 Firefox user 13315328 An example of a good add-on - unobtrusive and does exactly what it's supposed to do without any extra bloat. If you often need to change the width and height of your browser to a number of preset values, this is a perfect and easily configurable solution.