Adds play back speed controls to Vimeo videos.
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Date | Author | Rating | Comment |
2025-03-15 | 敬念法轮大法好远离瘟疫 | ||
2021-10-30 | RoboCop | no funciona en waterfox | |
2016-11-10 | Spencer Reid | The "vPlayBackSpeed" is an amazing tool which really boost up the productivity when watching videos. Some sides have a similar feature, but are often limited to -0.5|+0.25|+0.5|+1.0| speed --> while vPlayBackSpeed gives the freedom to increase or decrease a video with +/-0.25 steps between 0 (stop) and 5 times the speed. It's very handy to skim through videos to get the whole picture or simply to find what you are looking for without jumping back and forth. Works with Youtube and several other sites (not everyone though). A new favorite for FireFox! | |
2016-08-11 | Socal_Lucas | Works fine for me. A new double-arrow icon is added to the search bar. Clicking on it reveals 3 buttons: 1 to slow down, 1 to speed up and one to return to speed x1. Thanks for making this add-on. |