The few the proud...the marines!
tags: marine corp US USA army navy air force
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Date | Author | Rating | Comment |
2018-09-09 | Madis | Nice (Y) | |
2018-02-15 | OldRaver69 | Spent almost 8 years in the Marine Corps a life time ago and you never stop being a Marine. I'm old and broke down now pushing 50 but all these years later I still live by our motto Semper Fidelis. Alot of people today don't even know what words like Integrity,honor, and loyalty even mean but there are some of us out here that live by those words everyday. | |
2018-01-07 | Devildog | I am a United States Marine, I Love this persona, I would LOVE To See More of Marine Persona's on here... Awesome Job. | |
2012-12-15 | Bug Begone 1214 | God bless them for their service, their blood, and their lifes ensuring Western Civilization and it's protection of God's liberties | |
2012-04-10 | Power up people | love MArines | |
2011-11-06 | Firefox user 5960959 | I love our marines thank you for bleeding for our God given liberty | |
2010-08-28 | Sniper Wolf | AMAZING THANK U |