Twitter Sidebar Client - Twit Side 2

This add-on is no longer available as of April 7, 2023 due to the Twitter API being no longer available. Successor add-on is here ->

Total ratings

4.09 (Rating count: 22)
See reviews for Twitter Sidebar Client - Twit Side 2 on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.70
All time rating average: 4.09
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5 star
68% (15)
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18% (4)
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14% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
2023-04-07 Firefox user 17854916
2022-10-24 Firefox user 13328945 Excellent, but needs work on the word wrapping, should wrap on space.
2022-05-29 Vince Aggrippino Twit Side works really well. A few more customization options and the option to add a column based on a search would be nice, but not necessary.
2021-10-28 Firefox user 17098770
2020-10-11 wandersonBR The add-on is beautiful and fits the screen very well. Here, however, it does not display any image, neither of the profiles nor the images of the timeline. :-(
2019-05-05 ADIMASH 複数アカウントでの利用においてとにかく便利 サイドバーで作業やWebサーフィン中の"ながら見"が出来るtwitterクライアント これが無いとtwitterが不便で不便で……
2019-05-04 Firefox user 13170659
2019-02-19 salczer
2018-08-19 ypsilonscall シンプルで使いやすい。単純なのが一番。
2018-05-14 Firefox user 12315582 The only add-on with synchronous timeline, thank you very much
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