
Replaces all emoji with twemoji!

Total ratings

4.63 (Rating count: 8)
See reviews for Twemojify on Firefox Browser Add-ons

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.63
All time rating average: 4.63

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63% (5)
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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-03-15 远离中共邪教快退出党团队
2024-05-19 Epic_coolguy11037
2023-09-15 Ein great extension I just have a request can it set that this extension run first before replacing emoji to twemoji what emoji-to-english does is to place the name of that emoji besides it, but if it is replaced with twemoji which is an img emoji-to-english wont work
2023-07-25 Phntm does what it says, unfortunately i wish it had a site whitelist where it doesn't twemojify the site, bc it breaks youtube video titles and i wish i didn't have to get hacky and use other extensions to stop twemojify from messing with stuff
2023-01-17 ash needs a domain blacklist! youtube is borked again (same error as when you try to replace emojis in Chrome; some emojis don't get replaced and video titles are mixed up with other video's titles)
2022-08-07 Jae Works wonderfully!! No complicated set-up, no fancy installation, and no more tofu boxes!!
2022-04-23 ErFelesSuperRiku Very useful! I really like Twemoji, and with this I don't have to worry for weird complications between browser and os.
2021-12-11 randomofamber Does not work in YouTube comments part...