Tweetdeck for sidebar

You can display tweetdeck in the sidebar. サイドバーにtweetdeckを表示させることができます。youtubeを見ている最中だろうが、ブログを読んでいるときだろうが、いつでもタイムラインを見ることができます。

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5.00 (Rating count: 6)
See reviews for Tweetdeck for sidebar on Firefox Browser Add-ons

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All time rating average: 5.00

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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-03-15 远离中共邪教快退出党团队
2021-10-27 Firefox user 13511837
2021-10-09 Firefox user 13468404
2020-01-17 NaqethTeros An earlier review lists a work-around to get text to be visible in dark mode, but there's a problem: Clicking a tweet to view the details will have text in the tweet not showing anymore. Fortunately there's an easy fix if you were already going to do that. Simply change the first line from ".tweet-body {" to ".js-tweet-text {". All-in-all, it should look like this: .js-tweet-text { color: #ffffff !important; } That will have all the text visible in dark mode in general. Other than that, a good extension. I just installed it, but I'm already glad I did. There are some limitations, but those are limitations related to the way TweetDeck inherently works, combined with the limited width and inability to highlight text found in the Firefox sidebar. If you can get past the limited width and inability to highlight, though, it works exactly like the TweetDeck website. Oh, and I should mention, if you find yourself needing to refresh the TweetDeck page in your sidebar, just close and reopen the sidebar.
2019-12-14 kasimodem Hi, great extension, I really like Tweetdeck in the sidebar. The only thing that doesn't work is when I switch Tweetdeck in dark mode, the text stays dark and doesn't change to white, so you can't read it. Hope you could change this ;) UPDATE : the author doesn't answer anymore so I found a solution to have white text in dark mode : - install better tweetdeck extension - open tweetdeck webpage - open better tweetdeck settings - go to custom css menu - add the code : .tweet-body { color: #ffffff !important; }
2017-12-25 Firefox user 12778177 便利に使わせていただいております! Deckの設定でダークテーマだと文字色が白にならない(黒のままになるので文字が見えない)バグがありました。 開く手順が少しわかりづらかったのでのちの方のために書いておきます。 『Ctrl+Hなどでサイドバーを開く』 → 『サイドバー左上のメニューからTweetDeckを選択』 → 『TweetDeckが表示される』 ログインはあらかじめ行っておくとスムーズです。