transliterate texts from one alphabet to another
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Date | Author | Rating | Comment |
2023-05-29 | IndigoGollum | Trans-literate works for rough transliterations into Shavian (I can't read Glagolitic, so I don't know about it), but it transliterates individual letters instead of words, so many words are still partially in Latin or are transliterated wrong. It would work better if it used a word list and left unknown words along like some Shavian translators I've seen. I wouldn't say it's accurate enough to make for good Shavian practice. I do appreciate how easy it is to use. You just click it in your extensions list and select a script from a drop down box. Ðat's one þing it does right. | |
2019-05-07 | Dmytro | Would you please add Pali? I am willing to help. |