List of user reviews and ratings for Timezone List
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Date | Author | Rating | Comment |
2025-03-15 | 敬念法轮大法好远离疫情 | ||
2022-08-17 | bjamse | Excellent! it does its job and so well too. Infact it's the best for this task. BUT, i do wish i could edit the timezones listed. For example i am in CET, so swapping that out for JST would be nice. | |
2021-08-01 | Firefox user 16610840 | Popping in WAY late to leave a review on the off chance someone sees this. Last updated 4 years ago with no user ratings or reviews. It's exactly what it says it is, and exactly what I was looking for: a quick click to compare my current local time to other common time zones. Includes UTC, EST, BRT, & CET. It's simple, does its job. Negligible on resources and no permissions necessary. Simply a reference. Nothing more, nothing less. It's the only addon I found with this functionality. Thanks! |