
Orthodox Catholic Christian Icon Mary Our Lady Theotokos Jesus

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4.69 (Rating count: 29)
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 4.69
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Rating filters

5 star
87% (26)
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3% (1)
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3% (1)
Date Author Rating Comment
2022-07-31 User 16840105
2021-07-18 LeonelQu
2021-05-23 Firefox user 16880355 C'est l'icône de la Mère de Dieu qui porte mon travail sur internet ; merci à Amhalaba de l'avoir mise à disposition ! que le Seigneur vous bénisse !
2020-10-18 Firefox user 16031671
2020-05-27 Fairman I practically cannot browse the internet without your theme, no exaggeration! It is the best icon of Mary that I have seen and comforts me and encourages me greatly to see it on my computer, whatever are my personal struggles with religion. Please let us know which actual icon have you used. I would really love to know what is the icon that I set my eyes on daily for years and love it! Message me if you can, post here, or even email me ! My deepest Thanks! Pls keep it updated and useful!!! Thank you again and Well Done!
2019-05-05 Firefox user 14900200
2019-05-05 Firefox user 14917182
2018-11-17 Firefox user 14434537
2018-09-06 Marcellus Le résultat est à la fois sobrement esthétique, ne pose aucun problème de lisibilité et me parle personnellement d'un point de vue religieux. Grand merci à son concepteur.
2018-06-08 Metodi Peychev Thanks for this theme with Mother of God!
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