Theme Switcher for Firefox

Provides an easy way to switch among your installed themes by adding a shortcut icon to the toolbar.

Total ratings

4.83 (Rating count: 6)
See reviews for Theme Switcher for Firefox on Firefox Browser Add-ons

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.83
All time rating average: 4.83

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5 star
83% (5)
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17% (1)
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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-03-02 敬念法轮大法好远离瘟疫
2023-11-21 Julien It works and does the job, we can switch between the installed themes quickly
2023-02-20 Firefox user 17596770 Works perfectly. I use it to sync with dark theme on fedora Linux
2022-06-29 Funkymonkeyjedi works great! May I suggest an "auto theme" switching feature? perhaps with delay options and so on? IMHO, I think that would make this extension perfect. Either way, it's pretty handy. :)
2022-06-02 Jieiku As a web developer this addon saves me a LOT of time going through troublesome menus while testing. Thanks a LOT! It could be one less click if clicking on the theme switcher icon opened the list of themes, instead of having to click the theme switcher icon and then the drop down menu.
2022-03-23 Novbert Does the job