Textarea Tabbing

Enter Tab characters in Textareas when pressing the Tab key. Selecting text and pressing Tab will indent the selected lines, Shift+Tab will outdent.

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4.44 (Rating count: 9)
See reviews for Textarea Tabbing on Firefox Browser Add-ons

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.44
All time rating average: 4.44

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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-03-02 敬念法轮大法好远离瘟疫
2020-11-13 dj Such a handy add-on, I'm surprised there are not a lot more users.
2020-04-18 _ztv Отлично! 1 2 3 Здесь не работает, но на форумах может работать. Знаю два форума которые поддерживают табы, но конвертируют их в пробелы после повторного редактирования сообщения. Очень неудобно. Возможно этот аддон поможет.
2020-04-12 Zardoz
2019-10-28 Firefox user 14678933 It does insert real tab characters, but Shift + Tab doesn't seem to "outdent" as advertised. Couldn't determine what other key combo, if any, allows you to tab normally to the next form field.
2019-05-27 Firefox user 12540961 It works great when I need it. But there are some webpages where I do want to use normal (shift)tab functionalities. A domain (or full url) white-/blacklist (supporting regexes/wildcards) would help to distinguish in this. Another solution would be to have 'shift tab' (optionally) not work when there's nothing selected.
2019-04-20 MilchFlasche Thank you so much for implementing this.
2018-11-02 Firefox user 14398233 Really nice add-on but it would be nice to have the option for the number of spaces in tabs.
2018-01-16 Firefox user 13085684 Perfect! Simply does what I need and as advertised!