Save the tabs to a bookmark group and switch between different groups.
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Date | Author | Rating | Comment |
2021-03-23 | Svellana | Не сохраняет часть вкладок. При открытии папки первые 4-5 вкладок открываются как "новая вкладка" и невозможно восстановить адрес сайта. Приходится искать и восстанавливать из истории. Я очень расстроена. 2 звезды за отличную идею, но реализация очень плохая. | |
2020-03-09 | Firefox user 13735421 | It is absolutely awesome! The best Tab Group extension replacement in my opinion. And even better given the perfect use of bookmarks and no scary permissions. Thank you so much... | |
2020-02-04 | Firefox user 13707739 | This is my dreamed add-on! Thank you! It offers an efficient alternative for tabs/bookmarks management. Today we have two kind of tab manager add-ons: Tab Session Managers and Tab Group Managers. Tab Session Managers, IMO are too basic. And Tab Group Managers, most of them use "Hiding/Discarding" tab function, which sometimes creates browser performance issues, browser function issues, or conflicts with other add-ons. This new add-on TabsToBookmarkGroups is the best of both worlds (Tab Session Managers & Tab Group Managers), but with less probability of issues, less conflicts, better browser performance etc. This add-on has: 1) Tab group manager function, analog to session-manager, allowing to group, to remember, to keep and automatically save tabs as bookmarks. 2) Fully tab/bookmark edition through Firefox' library (Ctrl+Shift+H) allowing to group, copy/paste, move, rename, save, import/export and backup tabs/bookmarks. Also, Pinned and Last Selected tab are identified by group. 3) Efficiency in terms of browser performance (low RAM consumption, CPU etc). There are lot of Tab Manager add-ons full of features and fancy stuff, but of course this comes at the cost of resources or potential issues. TabsToBookmarkGroups add-on was created having browser performance in mind. It is in experimental stage, but is already totally stable. And it is a minimalist add-on. So at the end always will be a matter of personal choice, and this is the right add-on for users looking for minimalism, simple stuff, browser performance etc. 4) Less conflicts with Firefox’ functions and other add-ons (when compared to similar add-ons). 5) TabsToBookmarkGroups add-on is built on "Bookmarking/Closing" function. “Hiding/Discarding” VS "Bookmarking/Closing" is a kind of trade-off, one is not better than the other, each one has its pros and cons, again is a subjective matter of personal choice. At “Bookmarking/Closing” function, when a tab is closed, with the right settings everything will be deleted (including containers) avoiding tracking, security risks, data-bases corruption etc. So privacy, security and stability are improved. 6) Last active tab always is remembered per group. Different behaviors can be achieved by using [SelectAfterClosingCurrent]( from same Dev. 7) Option to ignore (or not ignore) pinned tabs per group. 8) Option to unload tabs until selected/active (saving RAM, CPU etc). By the way, with TabsToBookmarkGroups I manage more than 500 tabs with less than 1GB RAM. 9) Support at SideBar (header menu) allowing tabs/groups management through SideBar. This feature is still under development, but in few weeks users will be able to hide TabBar with CSS, having vertical tab management through SideBar). 10) Option for dark theme. 11) Less need of other add-ons, reducing conflicts and negative browser performance. 12) New features to be included in the future (right now under development: Support for favicons, Moving tabs command at Context Menu, Icon identifying groups by colors, Support for Containers etc). Most important, this add-on is an open source, and the Dev is a very nice person, also very responsive. Thank you jingyu9575! |