Tab manager

Allows basic operations on open tabs, such as copying the URLs to the clipboard, saving the tab list to a file, and reloading saved tabs from a pasted list or from a text file.

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4.19 (Rating count: 21)
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Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.19
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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-03-01 退出中共邪教党团队避疫
2025-02-06 Firefox user 18679797 Excellent extension. I love the simple drop-down choice to be able to choose current or all windows. I like how the extension separates windows using the name "window" along with a code, helping one easily see when one window begins and ends. Thank you, Ale!
2024-12-24 Firefox user 13866866
2024-01-08 lenny2 Hi! The extension puts a Greenwich time stamp in the filename, but the user lives in local time. Please make the local time stamp, maybe as an option, or as a manual time offset entry. It would also be a good idea to add a separator to the timestamp tabs_2024-01-06_1157.txt >>>>> tabs_2024-01-06_11-57.txt Thanks.
2022-12-26 GanJingWorld Gan Jing World is a clean, curated universe and a dynamic, overlapping network of integrated platforms and services. ==>
2022-07-31 Firefox user 16861820
2021-12-06 Firefox user 15330531
2021-06-06 Rude_Nistelrooy Works just as i expected, really easy to use. If you added a feature where a window pops up, asking whether you want to save your tabs to file i'd be delighted
2020-07-03 Jedermann This add-on is nearly perfect for my needs. However, there are two minor issues: * The window numbering seems to make no sense: I think it should be 1, 2, 3, ..., but I get, e.g., 1, 10, 12, 14! * The output would be much more readable if URL Title + URL pairs (and Window # line) could be separated by blank lines. Nevertheless, thank you!
2020-04-17 _ztv Settings are scattered throughout the browser. There are analogues that work in the same window (popup).
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