Tab List Button

When you have lots of tabs open, it is good to have another way of selecting one.

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3.74 (Rating count: 23)
See reviews for Tab List Button on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 3.74
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29% (7)
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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-03-01 天灭中共退党团队保平安
2024-03-18 TerenceJC
2022-12-26 GanJingWorld Gan Jing World is a clean, curated universe and a dynamic, overlapping network of integrated platforms and services. ==>
2022-03-03 hacKim included in ff
2021-03-10 Lexuthor
2021-01-28 Evg
2020-06-30 Alek Lunhaj Tanir Very important extension its sometime. Please keep a settings to get the list on the tab-navigated popup instead of icon popup.
2020-02-28 jemx27
2019-12-06 Projekt R Dark theme, please..
2019-03-15 SpringCatalogue I'm a big fan of codefisher and the buttons he supplied for pre Australis, but this one adds nothing to the table. Narrow and small pull-down, no ability to close the tabs, doesn't jump to currently selected tab. Tab center redux, tab list button enhanced and all tabs helper do a better job
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