Swap cookies

Swap cookies between different cookie "profiles" per website (and create new ones on the fly) to alleviate the pain of having several accounts for some sites. No need to log in and out, just swap the cookies! For more, try Firefox Containers.

Total ratings

4.38 (Rating count: 16)
See reviews for Swap cookies on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 4.38
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13% (2)
Date Author Rating Comment
2023-11-15 oneone20 This works great but I have a problem How can I find my saved account and password information in the folder on my computer? If I want to change computers, I need to copy the account information that I originally typed. please tell me how to do it thanks
2022-03-28 Firefox user 14651990 This extension is no longer usable. Today is march 28 2022.
2021-03-27 InfoZebra To create new profile choose "New batch of cookies" and click Select. After that login to service and your cookies will be saved in the new profile.
2020-10-01 wahyu
2020-06-02 Juan Carlos Amaya Excelente papa!!
2020-05-25 бкрс Doesn't work with localhost, which is strange. Otherwise seems to be good.
2020-05-14 Trương Chanh
2019-10-31 Firefox user 15380221
2019-05-04 Firefox user 14421264
2019-04-12 Firefox user 14756891
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