Surmount (Paywalls)

Climb over Paywalls.

Total ratings

4.69 (Rating count: 13)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Firefox Browser Add-ons does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works well for bypassing paywalls on many sites
  • Makes viewing paywalled content effortless
  • Developer responds quickly to bugs
  • Simple to use and effective
  • Not effective for specific sites like NYT and WSJ
  • Issues with tracking and privacy concerns
  • Does not work consistently for some users
  • Some functions may not behave as expected, like redirection bugs
Most mentioned
  • The extension works well for some sites but not others
  • Developer fixes bugs quickly
  • Users appreciate the ease of use but seek more control over exclusions
See reviews for Surmount (Paywalls) on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 4.69
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Rating filters

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60% (12)
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25% (5)
Date Author Rating Comment
2025-03-03 JohnHaxx This works great and I highly recommend it. my only minor complaint is that it would be great if I could disable it for a specific site. I pay NYT so I don't have to sidestep them. I took a peak inside the .xpi to see if it was as simple as deleting a few lines, but I don't really know my way around js and just ended up corrupting it lol
2025-02-22 RaceFPV Adds an attempt to track you via . After removing this add-on and then going to the sites mentioned the tracker is not present, so it is clearly inserted as part of this add-on.
2025-02-03 Antihero
2025-01-15 Firefox user 16470056
2025-01-12 SexyJhbFitHungDude
2025-01-08 builder680
2025-01-07 Sage did not work for the New York times, I was unable to load any NYT links.
2024-12-29 no
2024-12-18 Nick DeMarco Makes the process of viewing paywalled content from the listed sites effortless. Expect a small delay of a few seconds normally, but you'll see the content.
2024-11-19 med It doesn't woek.
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