Reviews of SteamProfilePreviewer

List of user reviews and ratings for SteamProfilePreviewer

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4.23 (Rating count: 13)
See reviews for SteamProfilePreviewer on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 4.23
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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-03-23 mr. sparkle Great addon. Very useful. The only thing I wish it could do is preview the special Game Profiles. I know the Game profiles have their own preview link but the mini-profile backgrounds don't work in the preview for some reason. It shows me my current mini-profile background. But the main reason is if we purchase a Game profile, we're able to use its colors and transparencies (if any) while also using a different background, avatar, frame, and mini-profile background. It would be amazing if this addon could let us preview that also. So for example if we pick a Game profile it loads all the default items from that profile in the sidebar (maybe have an extra box in the sidebar for special Game profiles), then if we choose other backgrounds, avatars, etc. it would replace those in the sidebar while keeping the Game profile's original color and transparencies. That would be awesome and make this addon complete!
2025-03-10 Coldblackice Phenomenal addon! This latest update not only fixes the addon, it adds a "Preview" sidebar showing which Points Shop items are being previewed for each profile element (avatar, frame, mini background, full background). This makes it super handy for mix-and-matching items to preview, *even across games*, rather than one previewed item at a time. Brilliant!
2025-01-26 YoriCansado not working the preview just shows my usual profile
2024-12-07 Firefox user 18719709 Broken. The UI is scrambled and the preview function doesn't work, it just shows your regular profile background.
2024-09-02 w1ll0w This add-on so good I downloaded Firefox, Made an account JUST TO USE IT!!! Thank you for making this tool.
2024-04-24 Yito This Steam Profile Previewer works very well, I can decide before spending points whether or not I like a look and make a purchase I'm actually happy with. Useful for putting together a cohesive look for your steam profile!
2024-02-28 Griefyard Really useful, thanks for making!
2023-10-02 Axonn
2023-08-18 gvillxtine tysm, helped a lot <3
2023-07-12 Jawrence proper good stuff mate!
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