I find myself at the extremity of a long beach. How gladly does the spirit leap forth, and suddenly enlarge its sense of being to the full extent of the broad, blue, sunny deep! A greeting and a homage to the Sea! I descend over its margin, and dip my hand into the wave that meets me, and bathe my brow. That far-resounding roar is the Ocean's voice of welcome. His salt breath brings a blessing along with it. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne, "Foot-prints on the Sea-shore" TAGS: beach, ocean, tropical, summer, sun, breathing in the crisp salty air, relaxing, crashing waves, sounds of the seagulls above, rip tide, fine sand between your toes =^..^= (") (") SaSSyGirL
STARFISH & SAND is available to install from Firefox Browser Add-ons and for download from this page. It has 1 daily users. The latest version is 2.0, and it was last updated 6 years ago.
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2.0 XPI · ZIP · Source code 192.85K 0 2019-05-13

Install XPI file

An XPI file, short for "XPInstall," is a compressed file format used primarily by Mozilla applications, like Firefox and Thunderbird, to distribute and install add-ons or extensions. These files are similar in function to CRX files for Chrome but cater to the Mozilla ecosystem.

  1. Simply drag-and-drop the XPI into Firefox to install the add-on.

Install ZIP file

  1. In Firefox browser, go to about:addons to open Add-ons Manager
  2. Click on , then select Install Add-on From File
  3. Select the STARFISH & SAND ZIP file from step 1. STARFISH & SAND is now installed on your browser.

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