Reviews of Soft Theme (Yellow and Blue)

List of user reviews and ratings for Soft Theme (Yellow and Blue)

Total ratings

5.00 (Rating count: 2)
See reviews for Soft Theme (Yellow and Blue) on Firefox Browser Add-ons

User reviews

Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00

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Date Author Rating Comment
2022-11-19 Firefox user 17660929 wonderful
2020-12-07 AnneF Really nice, for all the same reasons as the Soft Theme (Green). Actually, it would be even better if the Bookmark Toolbar space (the bottom) was either the same color (or a lighter shade of the same color) as the tab space (the top), so that a color would be on the bottom line AND the middle line (search bar and Icons) would be different. Then your eyes could grab the right line immediately. (Yellow, green, pale aqua, and pink with black lettering are very readable combinations. I'd love to see a rose colored one of these and a pale aqua. thanks again, love your themes.