Delicate Cherry Blossoms

Soft focus image of pale pink cherry blossoms lifts anyone's spirit.The lovely fragrant cherry blossoms are a rite of spring. For the Chinese the cherry blossom is a very significant symbol of power. Typically it represents feminine beauty and sexuality and often holds an idea of power or feminine dominance. Low contrast background is used so it would not interfere with one's toolbar. [Japanese cherry blossoms, springtime, fruit trees, soft muted shades of pink] child friendly persona Personas by LisaAtTheBeach

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5.00 (Rating count: 3)
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Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00

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Date Author Rating Comment
2020-05-19 MamaD-Beth
2018-02-19 Firefox user 13797475
2012-03-19 SaSSyGirL Delicate and BEAUTIFUL!! =)