Smart Tab Mute +

Fixed and enhanced version of "Smart Tab Mute" Ensures that only one tab plays audio at the same time and unmute the previously audio playing tab when one stops

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5.00 (Rating count: 8)
See reviews for Smart Tab Mute + on Firefox Browser Add-ons

User reviews

Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00

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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-02-12 Kis Albert works great, no more Youtube non sense party
2024-11-04 n.hippie Effing brilliant. Works perfectly for my use case of listening to Spotify while scrolling Reddit, pausing the music when I play a Reddit video with audio, then resuming the music when I've stopped playing the video. Thank you, Tonton Jo!! LEGEND
2024-08-05 gbmm
2024-05-23 Andrew
2023-12-07 Firefox user 14673790 Works great, it even unmutes the previous tab if the stream in my current tab is silent for a while (I watch multiple streams at the same time and this is exactly what I needed)
2023-12-02 Devin This is nearly perfect, but 5 stars nonetheless. My only (small) gripe is it doesn't switch between foreground & background tabs the same way Smart Mute in Chrome does, meaning the new foreground tab will always play audio even when switched back to background unless the media is paused. I'm not sure if this is a Firefox limitation, but if I could switch audio seamlessly the same way it does in Chrome I'd be ecstatic! Either way thank you for bringing this to Firefox; I can't browse without it.
2023-11-17 DDRitter I have a suggestion. Currently If I play a video in one tab A, then play another video y tab B, tab B plays sound (ok), but if I go back to focus on tab A, the sound is not activated in tab A. I know there is a "mute all tabs but the active" add-on, but I want to edit online documents on a third tab while listening to two tv stations. Thanks for considering it. ^^
2023-09-26 JustARandomUser334 Addon works perfectly. Finally found something that does what I need it to do. Excellent.