Adds single key shortcuts for tab switching.
1 switches to previous tab in the window
2 switches to next tab in the window
Pressing the actionbutton can temporarily disable the functionallity for the current tab, in case it breaks the site.
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Date | Author | Rating | Comment |
2025-03-14 | 退出党团队远离中共邪教 | ||
2023-08-02 | Mido | it works (except on the main page and some firefox pages) | |
2022-04-25 | Firefox user 13268952 | Works great with traffic exchanges for quick surfing. | |
2021-12-27 | Eloiseau | It doesn't work most of the time, I wil keep using Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab | |
2020-12-11 | FIREMAP | ||
2018-03-11 | Firefox user 13853924 | ||
2017-12-11 | Firefox user 12583337 | It's not a bad idea at all, it's got some problems though. It stops working in FF's website and preference tabs. Which in of itself is not a big deal. But it also doesn't work on youtube (probably because google has it's own shortcuts for 1 and 2). Unfortunately, that's a deal breaker for me because a third of my tabs are youtube. |