Allowes you to easily copy and search, without using CTR + C or CMD + C.
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Date | Author | Rating | Comment |
2023-07-26 | Savevur | ||
2023-06-12 | kramola | Copies even in input fields. Could you fix it? | |
2023-01-20 | Firefox user 17480543 | This is near perfect compared to other auto copy extensions. The only downside is that it copies with format. If only an option plain text copy was available. (using this in firefox 102.6.0esr with LibreOffice under Kali linux) | |
2022-08-13 | Rizan | Does exactly whats told excellently. Whats better about this one then the [Copy on Select] is that it copies only on text select and not copy again every instance of right click, interaction, or resize image. | |
2021-08-28 | circcc | There is a problem that copies are continuously copied when dragging, rather than being copied when the mouse is released when selecting. The clipboard monitoring program is as follows: |