Search Params Remover

a browser extension helps you surf without utm_source and fbclid

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5.00 (Rating count: 3)
See reviews for Search Params Remover on Firefox Browser Add-ons

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2025-03-13 敬念法轮大法好远离瘟疫
2020-04-18 Kenric Ashe This is the only params remover add-on I know of that allows entering custom param names. One thing I have noticed that none of them handle is when you're subscribed to an email list and the link is processed by a click tracker before redirecting to the page. In that case the params are not stripped. Here is an example that redirects to a link with four utm params:
2019-05-16 jult Wonderful. What a relieve. I was so annoyed by websites adding trash behind my urls. Thanks!