Save Selected Tabs to Files

Provides ability to save selected tabs to local files.

Total ratings

4.04 (Rating count: 25)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Firefox Browser Add-ons does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works well on most pages
  • Very useful extension, highly appreciated
  • Can save open tabs
  • Poor design with spammy save dialogs for each tab
  • Inconsistent file naming and truncation issues
  • Fails to save certain types of content (e.g., images, blobs)
  • Cannot save multiple tabs at once without multiple prompts
  • Does not save the currently displayed content but reloads from the URL
Most mentioned
  • Inability to save multiple tabs without multiple save dialogs
  • Problems with file naming and lack of extensions
  • Issues with saving images and local storage data
See reviews for Save Selected Tabs to Files on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 4.04
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60% (15)
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24% (6)
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8% (2)
Date Author Rating Comment
2025-01-31 Firefox user 18678649 Poor design & broken - just spams save dialogs for each tab, rather than specifying a directory + saving all to there in 1 go (lots of very laggy clicks), and there is no file extension, just a very truncated name. No idea what the file is, no option to switch between HTML/PDF/TXT etc. Completely useless
2024-10-20 Firefox user 18647464 I wanted this add-on so that I can avoid spamming keyboard shortcuts to save several tabs. However, this addon frequently, for no clear reason, changes the downloaded file names to be different than if I had used the normal save -- such as by replacing dots with commas. Dealing with the consequences of these incorrect file names has caused me more work than the add-on ever saved, and I have finally given up. I had originally included name truncation with the list of unexpected changes, but apparently that's part of a default option. However, the truncation removes the file extension, which is still a very bad implementation of that feature.
2024-08-07 Firefox user 18497063
2024-08-06 Abdulrahman Dardeer
2024-07-18 David
2024-06-11 Firefox user 18458205 works well on most things but cannot seem to save blobs from localstorage
2024-04-22 malisipi
2024-01-15 Firefox user 11386136
2023-10-30 Linköping1971 Dosent seem to save any pictures or such. It just saves a html-page that will, if viewed, download everything else from the servers the original page saved used on the web. So whats the use of this? Might as well just save a bookmark and save space.
2023-07-27 cosmo Cant figure out how to save files just to default Downloads folder, instead of Downloads/some_folder. Leaving "Save tabs under: " blank doesn't do anything.
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