Abstract colorful theme.
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Date | Author | Rating | Comment |
2022-05-12 | Xenofox | Very beautiful looking theme. I love dark themes with neon or bright colours and bright, colourful texts and symbols that offer a good contrast so they are easy to read / recognize as a contrast to the background image of the screen. At least on small screens. It looks very good on small/low resolution laptop internal displays like 1600x900 or smaller. I would love if it would also look good on higher resolution screens than that. On bigger displays (like 2560x1440 or bigger) there's a big white fringe on the left side. Vesperexa do you think it is possible for you to make an update to some of your themes for high resolution screen usage!? I made an theme collection to share themes I personally like with others. I would love to add some of your themes to it, without having to add a disclaimer that they only work as intended on small screens. Here is a link to my Themecollection: https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/collections/13329745/Xenofox-Themecollection/ |