Reload button in Location bar

A WebExtension which adds the reload button to the Firefox Location bar.

Total ratings

4.47 (Rating count: 19)
See reviews for Reload button in Location bar on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.47
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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-03-13 远离中共邪教快退出党团队
2024-08-31 Firefox user 12095046
2022-05-06 AbsoluteDark Honestly amazing. A must have addon.
2021-06-03 Wronschien Very nice, but with Proton out there it may be nice to use the new thinner icons to better blend in.
2021-01-05 Firefox user 16572581
2020-12-19 Firefox user 6074703
2019-08-04 Firefox user 15008144
2018-11-22 Vidal
2018-10-21 pedz
2018-06-11 Firefox user 14090712 Perfect solution to something Firefox has screwed up on. Taking away reload and other navigation buttons, making them smaller, making them sleeker has made Firefox MUCH harder to use. Thank goodness for developers like ExE Boss. Thank you!
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