
Switch or close tabs with a button

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4.17 (Rating count: 12)
See reviews for QuickTabs on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-03-12 退出中共邪教党团队避疫
2022-09-28 Firefox user 17586528
2019-05-05 Firefox user 14913012 quick and easy to switch tab, however customize key doesn't really works, can't bind close tab to F4.
2019-01-18 kishore Awesome !!! we just need to install it and start using it using F1 and F2. Thanks for this add-on.
2019-01-01 Swarnava Sengupta Great stuff. Since CMD/CTRL + SHIFT + L is existing shortcut for Firefox, it's broken on this addon. Do you think you can add any alternate shortcut?
2018-02-10 JohnnyTwoFingers Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but I can't seem to find the toolbar icon after installing?? I have this add-on working on Chrome and it is fantastic so hope I can get it working here.
2018-01-24 Moo Very good one... but it's a pity thjat this extension just exists in v1 and nothing happened. So i've submitted a fork without the annoying "F3 to Close" function. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/quicktabs-light/
2017-12-01 Firefox user 13500836 日本製ブラウザSleipnirを使用していた頃からF2、F3でタブ切り替えを行っていたので、FirefoxではKeybinderを使用していました。 しかしVer57になり使用できなくなったためこちらに移行しました。 F2、F3へのキー割り当て設定が機能していないようですので、そちらだけ改善されれば完璧かと思います。
2017-11-21 Sean Ryan I like F1/F2 which are intuitive. But F3 - No, no, no! F3 is the Firefox 'Repeat Find' shortcut key which I use all the time, so accidentally close the tab. I accept that this extension is still in development because you acknowledge customization isn't possible - even though Options does show customize input boxes. 29Jul18 Update: V1.1 custom key binding doesn't solve problem of unwanted F3-Close behaviour. There is no information provided about what values can be entered, but by trial and error I found that if you type any value other than F1/F2/F3, when you press 'save' it is overwritten to the default F1/F2/F3. Suggested improvements: 1) Provide in-app guidance on entering custom keys. 2) Permit ALL F-keys: F1-F12. 3) Permit BLANK to indicate command not required: most likely to be used for CLOSE. Developer's time and effort is always appreciated - thanks. For now, the alternative "QuickTabs Light" is my preferred app: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/quicktabs-light/
2017-11-16 Tilde Useful :)
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