Quick Search

Allows quick searching of highlighted text on a page with CTRL+s

Total ratings

2.63 (Rating count: 8)
See reviews for Quick Search on Firefox Browser Add-ons

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.63
All time rating average: 2.63

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50% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
2024-11-04 Firefox user 18651540
2024-02-15 jek77 Nice try seriously! But a bad idea to use CTRL+S. Make it custumizable at least. And its not working very good. Sometimes save dialog pops up or FF Popup-warning shows up. And sometimes it simply works. Not really reliable. My work around for now: CTRL+C, CTRL+T, CTRL+V, ENTER save that as a "macro" with X-mouse button (works with every mouse!) to my mouse button. That works pretty good. Cheers ps. feature req for KB shortcut to search for highlighted text is 5y old now. BAD MOZI!
2022-02-04 Firefox user 10216609 As close to what I want as a search feature that I can find. Its fast and does not wander off the page you are reading. Mouse click to close. What I really would like is a quick "Hover Search" like I have seen in older versions of google maps: Highlight - Hover - Popup Search (engine of choice) - Un-hover Popup go bye bye. I often look up Acronyms and new words so a quick definition is all I really need. This extension is almost as good but requires using a dropdown. Hopefully figure out how to "macro'd it to a button on my keyboard. smooth" on my MAC.
2021-06-07 LagExpress add the option to change the key shortcut or at least change the default key to something that works on firefox by default
2020-09-01 Firefox user 13602694
2020-04-02 liftbody Only plugin i found that works the way i want it to. had to restart browser for ctrl + s to work. doesn't work on mozilla.org addresses. macro'd it to a button on my keyboard. smooth
2020-03-29 Firefox user 13018885 Doesn't work. ctrl+s opens a save as window.
2018-11-08 Firefox user 14411848