Quick Link

Quick way to create and open custom links using context menu. As soon as you have some text selected the context menu "Quick Link" will be available, under this context menu will be all the custom links you have set up in the add-on's preferences.

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4.80 (Rating count: 5)
See reviews for Quick Link on Firefox Browser Add-ons

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.80
All time rating average: 4.80

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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-03-12 敬念法轮大法好远离疫情
2021-01-17 Firefox user 12632062 I love this! I use it multiple times per hour while working with the internet. Only things missing are a possibility to save the Quick Link urls and a possibility to change the order of the urls on the preferences page. May be some day wishes come true...? LockeLamora answered: "Could you elaborate what you mean by 'save the QL urls'? And thanks for the feedback and feature requests!" Thanks for answering and again thanks a lot for the useful add-on! Love it! I mean with 'save the QL urls' any kind of backup of the preferences page. I have about 20 settings (search engines, wikipedia, dictionaries, translators, platforms of all kind, maps, ...) and to build the right urls was not that easy for some of them. These settings should be saved, backuped anyhow anywhere. Would be a nice improvement for sure. What do you think about the other request, possibility to change the order of the links on the pref page?
2020-10-17 Firefox user 15610579
2018-09-18 Vedun Great extension! Thanks!!!
2018-01-04 Firefox user 13435608