Public Fox

Block downloads, lock down bookmarks/addons/downloads with a password.

Total ratings

2.97 (Rating count: 66)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Firefox Browser Add-ons does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Does not remember or accept the password set by users.
    • Easily removable without the password, undermining its purpose.
    • Fails to block the installation of plugins or protect settings as advertised.
    • Interface issues where the password screen freezes or does not navigate correctly.
    • Reported broken with the latest Firefox updates, rendering it useless.
    Most mentioned
    • Password functionality is broken and does not work as intended.
    • Users can remove the addon easily without needing to enter a password.
    • Cannot prevent deletion of extensions or access to settings.
    See reviews for Public Fox on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 2.70
    All time rating average: 2.97
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    Rating filters

    5 star
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    35% (24)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    2025-02-26 退出党团队远离中共邪教
    2025-01-22 Dezzer323 this addon is great! has all the features i desire and need! but sadly it does not remember the password i set for it like everyone's saying. AND ALSO i can just remove it easily also i found out. by removing the extension itself from the extensions drop down menu by clicking the cog and clicking "remove extensions" it removes it easily without any effort or password which defeats the purpose of the extension entirely.
    2024-11-24 Firefox user 18325458
    2024-11-18 JSB The password I save, don't work. Tried it a multiple times
    2024-08-18 Firefox user 13908055 This addon was recommended as a way to prevent a user from deleting the history but it would seem it doesn't do that anymore. Additionally it would not unlock, even with the correct password, and I had to manually remove the addon to get access back to my settings.
    2023-12-11 Firefox user 18190158
    2023-11-09 sectorchan configured to block installation of plugins, tried it and it still works to install plugins -> useless
    2023-06-17 McZ Password screen freezes once you enter your pw. I thought I'd locked myself out... but actually you can remove it by clicking on the gear symbol next to the extension - which isn't of course something you should be able to do if the plugin worked as it should
    2023-04-01 Firefox user 17827357
    2022-12-27 翻墙部落 欢迎光临翻墙部落! 打开天窗,听听外面的声音! 穿越迷雾,寻找人生真谛!
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