Reviews of Popup window

List of user reviews and ratings for Popup window

Total ratings

4.57 (Rating count: 86)

Review summary

  • Useful for borderless window usage
  • Works well for needing popup functionality
  • Considered a must-have extension by some users
  • Easy to use without complex setup
  • Helpful for documentation browsing without distractions
  • Height/width settings are not functional
  • Keyboard shortcuts do not stick and stop working after a while
  • Maximize button on the pop-up window is disabled
  • Does not properly merge back to a tab when only one is open
  • Recent issues with hiding the mac title bar
Most mentioned
  • Keyboard shortcuts behave inconsistently
  • Maximize feature is not available
  • Popup window size cannot be customized
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Popup window on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.57
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Rating filters

5 star
67% (60)
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25% (22)
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1% (1)
Date Author Rating Comment
2025-02-04 Dev Tiago França -
2024-12-24 Howar31 the height/width setting is not working and the popped window cannot maximize
2024-09-21 Firefox user 16978199
2024-08-23 EzAll
2024-08-02 Firefox user 18533578
2024-07-31 Andreas
2024-06-18 aquarius Be it this 'Popup Window' or the other similar 'Popup' extension, both face an issue when merging back to a tab and only 1 tab is opened, in particular userChromeJS scripts fail after Merge. Hence, an option to prevent the extension from running when only 1 tab is opened would be welcomed.
2024-06-04 Firefox user 14492264
2024-04-15 Akbar Rifai
2023-12-18 Miguel Garza This is a good add-on, but at the moment I have to knock off a couple of stars because--I don't know why, but--the keyboard shortcut does not stick. I don't have this issue with other extensions with keyboard shortcuts. The shortcut for this extension works for a little while and then inexplicably stops working. I thought maybe it was the shortcut I was using (Alt-C) but I have tried using a different shortcut and the new shortcut (Alt-Q) has the same issue. Other issues that I assume are limitations of Firefox and so do not factor into the rating: - Maximize button on pop-up window is disabled/greyed out--pop-up windows cannot be maximized with the maximize button - would be nice if the pop-up windows was the same size as the window it was "popping up" from, rather than a pre-determined size
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