Pixel rain (Animated)

Pixel beutifull

Total ratings

4.29 (Rating count: 34)
See reviews for Pixel rain (Animated) on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.30
All time rating average: 4.29
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Rating filters

5 star
57% (20)
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20% (7)
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17% (6)
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3% (1)
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3% (1)
Date Author Rating Comment
2024-11-02 Whiskey It looks super cute, the shadowing on the text for tabs makes it difficult to read though.
2023-09-17 Arin
2023-09-14 Aqualin
2023-07-12 Husk
2022-11-19 UDon18
2022-11-09 Kasufert I really love this theme and only use it but it just updated for me and it is completely broken and messed up all the words and stuff, please bring it back to how it used to be. Thanks
2022-11-08 Aemo Hii i can't live without this so like today was apparently some update and it got all messed up for me like half of the animation is just grey and previously readable names of folders etc. got like just mushed and are barely readable now. If you maybe know how to help it pls try to fix it </3
2022-11-08 Belen
2022-11-08 Firefox user 17372812
2022-09-21 Ofi
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