Online MS Paint - Image Editor & Paint Tool

Online MS Paint is a classic windows application which is used as an online image/photo editor, drawing & paint tool.

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4.83 (Rating count: 6)
See reviews for Online MS Paint - Image Editor & Paint Tool on Firefox Browser Add-ons

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.86
All time rating average: 4.83

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86% (6)
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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-02-19 退出中共邪教党团队避疫
2023-02-01 FTodd1
2022-12-25 GanJingWorld Gan Jing World is a clean, curated universe and a dynamic, overlapping network of integrated platforms and services. ==>
2019-12-06 Priya Dube Better than expected, does what the other Chromebook Paint-like programmes don't, and does it very well without asking you for a donation. Stellar piece of js!
2019-12-06 Lisa Presley This app is BETTER than the real Paint.. it crops!! Yes!! [hold down CTRL while selecting], it does transparency!! [read Help menu].. This guy Isaiah Odhner did a fantastic job with this, anything else than 5 starts would be unfair!!! I don't know the guy but he deserves a pizza and a Victoria's Secret model for this app!! :)
2019-12-06 William Bayer This app was a god-send and saved me hours of efforts! I used MS Paint extensively for lots of small tasks in Windows, but Mac doesn't have Paint and I found Preview couldn't do half as much (the solutions I found via Googling seemed a lot of unnecessary work). This app was exactly what I needed! Thanks Dev!
2019-12-06 John Saunders Dude!!!!! i have been searching the internet for a tool like this ily mahn this is awesome! does my job to edit images for my BTEC coursework <3