↺ Netflix Rewind 1 sec

Allows you to ↺ rewind the videoplayer on netflix.com by 1 second each time you press the   <⃣   key. The amount of seconds to seek can be adjusted via the 🛠️ Options page.

Total ratings

4.20 (Rating count: 10)
See reviews for ↺ Netflix Rewind 1 sec on Firefox Browser Add-ons

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.20

Rating filters

5 star
70% (7)
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10% (1)
1 star
20% (2)
Date Author Rating Comment
2025-02-18 远离中共邪教快退出党团队
2024-01-02 Firefox user 18222371
2023-05-27 Ube doesn't work :c
2023-03-07 LanguageTooler GmbH Works fine for me.
2023-02-03 Firefox user 14698527 Does not work at all. Neither back nor forward winding. Tested with FF. v109.0.1
2022-09-29 Firefox user 16197025 Good plugin, just what i needed
2022-04-03 Firefox user 17322205 why not rewind 5 seconds? It's the universal rewind/skip time. Ever thought of large appeal? From a general point of view, 3 or 5 sec should be default, and if one desperately wants 1 sec, it should be a separate option.
2021-12-08 NintendoFan204 Gets the job done. Thanks for making this!
2021-09-11 samy
2021-07-11 Frigateer