Reviews of Navigation Log

List of user reviews and ratings for Navigation Log

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4.00 (Rating count: 2)
See reviews for Navigation Log on Firefox Browser Add-ons

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Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.00

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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-03-11 全民三退解体中共邪教
2019-08-26 Firefox user 14220633 This extension could be useful, but I think it needs some improvement: There are no instructions or screenshots for the database management application. The path to the database is also undocumented, and does not appear to be user-configurable. (What if you want to store the log on a network file server?) It would be nice to have a log player extension in the browser instead of a separate Python application, since many platforms do not have a Python interpreter installed by default. That would enable live browser mirroring for tech support and classroom applications without the need for a VNC server (which consumes more bandwidth on the host PC's data link). It appears that Mozilla is working on a similar project and I mention it here so that duplication of effort towards the same goal can be avoided: