Lock Tab Page

Lock the tab page so that clicking the link does not leave the page. Opens in a new tab when a link is clicked

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4.21 (Rating count: 14)
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Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 4.21
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5 star
73% (11)
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13% (2)
Date Author Rating Comment
2025-02-17 退出中共邪教党团队保命
2024-02-15 Firefox user 17784486 ありがとう、ピン留めじゃなくてこれが欲しかった。
2024-01-02 HomerSETH9
2023-06-23 Firefox user 15018722 Giving it only one star because I can't give it zero stars. This add-on does exactly what I don't want. It does not protect a tab at all. If you click on what should be a locked tab, and then open a new page with the "locked tab" being active, it will replace the link (which the locked tab was supposed to be protecting) with the new URL link. If you think you can "back arrow" to the former page, you won't be able to. It will be GONE! This add on is worse than useless. It's dangerous.
2023-03-14 THE-DRAG0N
2023-03-06 Firefox user 15950280
2022-12-25 GanJingWorld Gan Jing World is a clean, curated universe and a dynamic, overlapping network of integrated platforms and services. ==> https://www.ganjing.com
2022-12-24 Hollytryx
2022-06-24 islisis Thank you for your very useful tools. It would be great if this addon could work with discarded tabs. I use Auto Tab Discard and discarded tabs refuse to reload when locked.
2022-04-14 Firefox user 13505945
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