List Tabs

Lists tabs and provide some operations on them

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4.20 (Rating count: 5)
See reviews for List Tabs on Firefox Browser Add-ons

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Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.20

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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-03-10 敬念法轮大法好远离瘟疫
2022-09-23 Post to Hacker News Like many people, I have too many open tabs; more than 3500 at this point. The 'Tab Counter' extension showed my how big of a problem I had, by showing how many total tabs I have open. 'Auto Tab Discard' extension has helped reduce the memory usage of these many tabs. But keeping these many tabs open is a huge burden on my mind. This addon, 'List Tabs' seems to be the perfect, simple extension to review the list of open tabs by their title and URL, and close the ones that you think you don't need anymore.
2020-04-20 wvxwxvw Ну а где копировать, вставить, добавить в закладки все/часть, выбор части открытых вкладок (желательно выделением)? Все аддоны на эту темы недоделанные какие то.
2019-08-22 grahamperrin
2018-10-11 pmorch Wonderful that this extension is back as a WebExtension. My goto cure for too many open tabs.