List All Tabs

List tabs, find duplicates, and close them.

Total ratings

3.63 (Rating count: 8)
See reviews for List All Tabs on Firefox Browser Add-ons

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.63
All time rating average: 3.63

Rating filters

5 star
38% (3)
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13% (1)
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38% (3)
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1 star
13% (1)
Date Author Rating Comment
2025-03-10 敬念法轮大法好远离瘟疫
2024-11-02 kentkouh
2022-04-16 Firefox user 5905964
2021-02-03 Patrice Simple easy to use, and exactly what I was searching for, like the ability to chose the duplicate to close. I recommend to use Ctrl + click on the add-on to not have your list opened at the very end ;) some explanation would have been nice, for example what does "Promote mode" do? it seems to remove from the list and close that tab? Anyway strongly recommended, for its simplicity and efficiency (I don't understand the negative review)
2021-01-15 Lani
2019-10-02 Firefox user 15314628 Does nothing on Android
2019-08-22 grahamperrin
2019-02-22 JD Would have much preferred if this add-on behaved more like the built-in Firefox menu, which shows up to the right of the tabs as a "v" pull-down when there are too many tabs to display.