KeePass Helper - URL in title

Puts a hostname or a URL in the window title. It does not modify the title of a tab, just the window title. It does not inject any JavaScript code to a website, so it can't corrupt, nor can it be corrupted by it.

Total ratings

4.38 (Rating count: 29)

Review summary

  • Requires minimal permissions and has a low privacy impact
  • Works as intended for enabling KeePass integration
  • Does not show the added title in the tab, maintaining a clean interface
  • Does not offer the option to add URL info at the end of the title
  • Some users report it's not working anymore or has issues with specific Firefox versions
  • Issues with updating the title when switching to a blank tab as per a Firefox bug
Most mentioned
  • Desire for URL information to be added at the end of the window title
  • The add-on's minimal permissions requirement
  • Issues with specific websites or browser versions affecting functionality
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for KeePass Helper - URL in title on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 4.38
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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-02-17 远离中共邪教快退出党团队
2024-01-28 Attero
2022-12-25 GanJingWorld Gan Jing World is a clean, curated universe and a dynamic, overlapping network of integrated platforms and services. ==>
2022-11-10 André Very straightforward and simple add-on. It requires minimal permissions, for the lowest possible privacy impact. <3 --- Feature request: allow adding the URL info at the end of the title, instead of the start. This was asked already, and we have the reply from the developer that it is not possible. # Use case When: the user has several Firefox windows open and uses the Windows Taskbar to select one of them. # Current behavior - On each window, the active tab's URL information is added to the window title at its start, followed by the original window title (which is the tab's title): " - KeePass Helper". - This pushes the tab's title to the right. - When choosing a window from the Windows Taskbar, the text's length is limited. This causes the tab title to be hidden with ellipsis: " - Ke..." - So, the user cannot continue to use the title to choose a window. They are pushed to use the tab preview, or hovering the window so that it comes forward temporarily. This is cumbersome. # Desired behavior: - The extra URL information is added to the end of the title, or an option allows choosing the location between the start and end of the title. - This would enable the user to still make use of the window title when selecting windows, as before activating this addon.
2022-10-11 ŁG
2022-06-05 Maks For some reason not working anymore.
2022-01-07 Firefox user 17214152 Doesn't need permission "access to your data on all websites" like many others. But doesn't show the custom url on sites with basic authentication - only after basic authentication is canceled and site reloaded the proper window title is shown.
2021-04-06 Webdev Tory Works beautifully, exactly what I needed for emacs exwm buffer nav
2021-03-19 Firefox user 16748649
2020-11-02 Firefox user 16407347 Unfortunately does not seem to work for me.
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