
imgding is a tool to download images from image hosts. It searches the current tab for links to images and downloads them.

Total ratings

4.56 (Rating count: 16)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Firefox Browser Add-ons does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works well and effortlessly with many hosting sites
  • Is able to download actual image instead of thumbnails
  • Only add-on for bulk image downloading that works for some users like Mac users
  • Very useful for forums with lots of images
  • Can easily and quickly download images
  • Does not work well with some hosting sites like Imagebam post-updates and Imagevenue
  • Cannot handle simultaneous downloads and skip already downloaded files
  • Requires setting a default download folder, which is inconvenient for some users who save files in various locations
  • Thread sucker option lacks instructions or hints on how to use
  • Cannot upload images, with the context menu lacking an upload image option
Most mentioned
  • Compatibility with various image platforms like Imagebam, Imagevenue, and Imgtwist
  • Ability to download actual image instead of thumbnails
  • Requirement to set a default download folder
  • Cannot handle simultaneous downloads
  • Does not skip already downloaded files
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.70
All time rating average: 4.56
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5 star
81% (13)
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6% (1)
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6% (1)
Date Author Rating Comment
2024-02-16 Leddok
2023-05-24 Bob I had a gallery of images i was trying to download and i tried another extension but it only grabbed the thumbnails. I then found this extension and it was able to grab the actual image and not the thumbnail.
2022-01-29 FATJ775
2021-10-23 TheLivingBubba
2021-06-24 LezBoyd This one is a mixed bag. On the good side, it works well and effortlessly. No doubt about that. I mostly use it for one site only and it works seamlessly with that site. On the other hand, there are 2 flaws with it that make me take down the rating to neutral. Its not the generic UI or anything, that is fine. Functionality over Looks. 1. It requires setting a default download folder, which I have never done since I started using firefox over a decade ago. I always need to save files all over the place, and this extension now forces me to set a default download folder. However, the developer has mentioned this in his description, so this is not something egregious. But I do wish the developer can address this by having an option to set a default folder option within the extension. 2. This one is egregious. It CANNOT handle simultaneous downloads and CANNOT skip already downloaded files. So, if I am downloading from one webpage and I start another wenpage before the first one completes, it aborts the first one midway and starts the new one. Then if I reload the first one, it does not skip already present files, but rather renames the duplicates and downloads them. 3. (EDIT) I have no idea how the thread sucker option works. It sounds like something useful, if I want to rip images off a particular post in a thread, and not the whole thread, but there are no instructions or hints on how to use it. All these are very basic areas where the developer has made compromises, which is why I am rating it a neutral 3-stars. I hope the developer takes this as a positive feedback and updates the extension to handle these basic intuitive conditions. EDIT: Support for and (which is basically imagetwist) will also be greatly appreciated.
2021-05-20 Firefox user 16876104 Generally a useful extension, but imagebam . com does not work anymore since they updated their website.
2021-05-09 Firefox user 14964265 Mister developer, it is possible to include the host imgur . com ? Thank you very much!
2021-04-20 Firefox user 14941383
2020-12-30 Firefox user 16557715 Absolutely fantastic extension. As a Mac User, this is the only add-on for bulk image downloading that actually works - and with a very large list of hosts. I really hope work on this continues, as for me, it's an invaluable tool. Well done on a piece of great work!
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