HTTPS+ Checker

Verification of security mechanisms complementary to HTTPS.

Total ratings

3.75 (Rating count: 8)
See reviews for HTTPS+ Checker on Firefox Browser Add-ons

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.56
All time rating average: 3.75

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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-03-09 退出党团队远离中共邪教
2019-06-21 Firefox user 14134753 Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not for the same URL. Not stable at all. Plugin seems to work ok for getting the results, it is the site that sends the results that has the problems and needs to be updated.
2019-01-19 Dewnan To Aelisya and bigon, if you have Extension source viewer you can see (Firefox user 13857193)s code. This isn't spyware and does connects to securely... CODE: if (url.protocol === "http:" || url.protocol === "https:") { console.log("onGot : " + API) var host = url.hostname;'GET', API + host, false); xhr.send(); The addon does what it says and is safe!
2018-09-17 bigon Be aware that this module contacts an external non-https server to do the validation, this is a big no-no for me as this will lead to information being leaked.
2018-09-11 Firefox user 14052748 Where is the sources ?
2018-08-20 Firefox user 14233360 Merci Bonne extension
2018-08-10 Firefox user 12797172
2018-07-28 suffix Excellent addition! Unfortunately there are not enough websites on which all 4 squares green :)
2018-07-05 Bob Smith I've been looking for a replacement for CZ.NIX Labs' DNSSEC/TLSA Validator, which I still use in Cyberfox. For Firefox Quantum, I found Popineau's DNSSEC unsatisfactory at least until the promised DNS over HTTPS (DoH) service is fulfilled at which point I'll re-evaluate. But it's been three months since their last update... So, upon an icon click, HTTPS+ Checker queries a server (port 443) in France and presents a color coded result to the four fields. As such, and given its experimental nature, the ability, validity and security of this extension must rest upon the user's confidence in AMZG_Beu's expertise, methodology and strategy. And, of course, that of Mozilla's vetting. At this point I can't find reason to doubt that confidence and give five stars for effort, implementation and apparent efficacy. I look forward to continued development and success. Good luck and thank you.