Allows you to show and hide the Youtube playback controls etc.
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Date | Author | Rating | Comment |
2025-03-09 | 敬念法轮大法好远离瘟疫 | ||
2024-06-27 | BambusSchlong | ||
2022-09-13 | APerson | Sadly doesn't work currently. | |
2022-05-08 | Julian Mayr | Nice Idea but with newer youtube UI's it doesn't work anymore, hope you can fix it | |
2021-07-13 | Gloryous | Worked once then did not work at all. | |
2020-05-26 | Marasm | It is exactly what I'm looking for ! Just a simple way to hide YouTube controls, really helpful when I need to pause in a video in fullscreen to see all the content. I miss just one thing to rate at 5 stars : a shortcut ! I'd love to have the same toggle system but with my keyboard, maybe the "H" key for "Hide" ? Or better, let us choose :) But thanks, at least it works great ! | |
2020-04-12 | anarkrist | i mean it does what is says on the tin; and is something i actually have needed before but never had an extension to do it |