Hide items by link or by text selection!

This extension lets you right-click any link you dislike and hide it forever! Just click "Hide items with this link" and its forever gone! You can also select some text, right click that selection and chose "Hide items with this text"! It's that easy

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3.20 (Rating count: 5)
See reviews for Hide items by link or by text selection! on Firefox Browser Add-ons

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Recent rating average: 2.75
All time rating average: 3.20

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Date Author Rating Comment
2024-11-23 RhythmJigoku Exactly what I've been looking for, for my specific use-case (link archival, and being able to block completed entries). Unfortunately, the config for unhiding posts doesn't work, especially if the list is too long. There's also no quick way to get to it like a menu bar icon, but at least the page can be bookmarked. Besides that, I would especially like to be able to block a link I'm hovering over with a keybind!
2024-03-10 gadot This really would be a perfect extension; it worked perfectly for me exactly how I wanted it to. However, it does end up not working after awhile, and it no longer shows Blocked Elements list, and the icon no longer even gets pinned to my extensions bar. I definitely would donate if I could be guaranteed unlimited blocks
2024-02-15 Hackinisde Worked fine until you hide too many items and it crashes. Removing links doens't work.
2023-09-25 flapjack