Gothic Roses by M♥Donna

🦊Theme designed by MaDonna🦊

Total ratings

5.00 (Rating count: 5)
See reviews for Gothic Roses by M♥Donna on Firefox Browser Add-ons

User reviews

Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00

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Date Author Rating Comment
2024-12-29 Firefox user 18744318
2024-05-14 lilibirdh
2022-10-17 Lauren Wilson
2021-12-30 GNU/Val One of the very few MaDonna's themes that gives importance to the readability of Firefox tabs (I'm referring to the too high contrast of background colours in most of the other themes, making tabs' text hardly readable here and there). In my view, this point is crucial for a visually comfortable use of the browser. [Obsolete] One huge drawback with this theme though: the active tab is almost undetectable! (Firefox 91.4.1esr) [Update] Thanks a lot for the quick theme update MaDonna! The active tab can now be spotted very easily 👍 One of my all time favorite themes has been Aurora Blue, but since I recently moved to a dark desktop theme, Gothic Roses fits much better :)
2019-10-02 witchymama1982