Focused Browsing

Focused Browsing allows you to show and hide distracting feeds using a simple keyboard shortcut.

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5.00 (Rating count: 1)
See reviews for Focused Browsing on Firefox Browser Add-ons

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Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00

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Date Author Rating Comment
2021-08-02 Arsala Grey Disclaimer: I've worked on Focused Browsing, but I was one of the target personas, and I'm super proud of the team for creating such a polished product. I've been using News Feed Eradicator for the past few years, and I was on the lookout for a product that gave me more options in controlling my feedless experience. Focused Browing's keyboard shortcut is its most valuable feature, and I recommend users of NFE to try out the experience of focusing/unfocusing without leaving their tab as you have to in NFE. I look forward to seeing how the product evolves, and I'm grateful to be a part of the team that gets to shape it.