Flag of Romania

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2.42 (Rating count: 12)
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All time rating average: 2.42
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Date Author Rating Comment
2024-04-28 cocobon
2023-10-29 Emy Flag of Romania de Mozilla Firefox
2022-04-20 davidnicolasmadinoae
2020-03-05 Firefox user 13460968 I mean, I am glad there is a flag to begin with, but it's really not much to go and be proud of. I have not even installed it but it looks plain, no movement, no style. I do not see the purpose of the red background confusing the end and beginning of the flag. I see other flags and even just adding an angle would put in more movement, rather than leaving it the way it is. Also maybe extend the blue rather than bringing across the red from the end. It just does not make much sense visually. I will install the Theme to show my support, but please somebody look into that. --Edit on 05/03/2020 (2 minutes after installing it) I just installed it and I understand why other's opinion is that the colour is too strong: they're right. This makes it much more difficult to distinguish the text from the background, especially on a low brightness screen, such as when you're in energy saving mode.--
2017-04-11 Firefox user 12897448 Very Nice
2014-06-30 Firefox user 10961390 You can't be too creative when it is about a nation's flag. You have to actually keep up with the real flag's design; so the way it's done this theme - no way to be used as a Romanian flag. It is just a colorful theme - nothing else.
2014-06-18 Carp Ok, i wanted to use this but its impossible. Who made this put that red bar there and u cant see anything good. I have roomy toolbar and lots of bookmarks and cuz of that red band before the actual flag u cant read anything.If anyone check this this please make it right. Give another less powerful color or better try and put some good taste in this lol. This is like pissing on a nation flag here. Or do-it good or just forget it and don't put it there in the first place. thx
2014-06-14 Algesoft Hey Mozilla, You need to be consistent in the flag format, otherwise you can offend people and nations. You display full flag for some nations and part or small flags lost on background for others. I trust that this was done by trying to be artistic but it is incompatible with the standards that Mozilla holds and ought to be corrected right away. Thank you.
2012-10-17 Caustee it's not the best flag theme out there, but it looks nice (specially cause the flag can be seen in the right corner). although is just awful when you open the find toolbar (just blue and yellow) beside this and the long red color before the flag, i think it's ok.
2012-08-27 Tiberiu C. Turbureanu +1 @vladimir. The Romanian flag is made of Blue, Yellow and Red in this order. Please take a look at the French flag (it's similar, but you don't get to see Red before Blue and then again Red).
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